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What do PSPWorld's PSP compatibility icons mean?

Check out PSPWorld’s PSP compatibility icons at the bottom of every listing to see if your PSP is compatible with your chosen accessory. Below is a guide to our PSP compatibility icons so you can be totally sure the accessory you buy will work with your PSP. There's an icon for both PSP versions.

PSP Slim & Lite
The new PSP Slim & Lite is approximately 33% lighter and 19% slimmer than the older PSP. The PSP has new speaker holes above D-Pad and Button area for a dynamic sound and you can also recharge this PSP over a USB data connection. This icon means that the PSP accessory will work with the new PSP Slim & Lite.
Older PSP
The older PSP is the first version of the PSP that was released in 2004. The older PSP is slightly bulkier than the new PSP Slim & Lite and is available in black or white. This icon means that the PSP accessory will work with the older PSP.